We are approved to
undertake all forms of insurance repairs.
If you are
unfortunate enough to have had an accident, but wise enough to have
your caravan insured, the normal procedure to have the caravan
repaired is as follows.

1. Ensure the caravan is secure, covered and if on the road not
dangerous to other road users. If it is not towable instruct your
recovery transport to take it to your chosen repairer.
2. Contact your insurer and ask for a claim form and confirm their
particular procedure to process the claim. Most insurers ask you to
have one quote for the work, then authorise the repairer to proceed.
Sometimes two quotes are required from reputable repairers and they
authorise the most reasonable repairer to proceed. In the event of a
major claim they may send an assessor to confirm the damage and
proposed repair before authorising. If you have a deadline to use the
caravan, make it clear to the insurance company, they will usually do
everything they can to help you make the deadline.
3. Once we have written authority from the insurer, we place an
order for the parts required and schedule the caravan for repair. Some
parts can take considerable time to arrive, as they have to be made
specially, so it is important to start the claim as soon as possible
and get an estimate of the time the parts are expected to take. If the
damage is not too heavy we can normally effect a temporary repair to
allow use of the caravan.
4. Once the caravan has been repaired it is time for you to inspect
the repair and sign a satisfaction note. Most insurers charge an
excess amount on each claim, normally £50 or £100 which is payable
to us on collection. It is important to include everything in the one
claim, or the excess may be charged twice.
For more information do not hesitate to